Adeel Anwar
User Name : adeel06
Email :
Gender : Male
Phone No : -
Country : Pakistan
City : Islamabad
Age : 26 Yrs
Height : 6 ft 2 inches
Complexion : Fair
Eye Color : Brown
Marital Status : Not Disclosed
Area of Interest :
Feature Films, T.V Commercial, T.V Serials,
Comments and Details :
I am a model and actor from America that is currently in Pakistan for the upcoming year and have decided to pursue work here as well. I actually am a professional model/actor as I have been paid for roles since the age of 13 in America. I have already been offered a starring role in a feature length film here in Pakistan and believe that it would be best for me to have some representation going into that job. In America, I have represented internationally known brands such as Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Guess Jeans and Billabong to name a few. I believe my prior experience makes me a great candidate for work here in Pakistan. Also, none of the pictures have been touched up or edited in anyway other than the first picture which was from a professional campaign shoot for an American Jeans company.