Khizar dhedhi
User Name : Khizardhedhioff
Email :
Gender : Male
Phone No : -
Country : Pakistan
City : Karachi
Age : 21 Yrs
Height : 5 ft 8 inches
Complexion : Fair
Eye Color : Black
Marital Status : Single
Area of Interest :
T.V Commercial, T.V Serials,
Comments and Details :
I want to become a model/actor. I underestimated my self for few years that I don't have that charm in me. Through personal suggestions and the compliments which I got from the people around me were very much motivational. My mother always pushes me towards to become a actor and my sister too, because they think I have that THING OF ACTING IN ME so I thought a try with a clear mind and trust on the thought I might get a chance to prove that wouldn't hurt me so here I am, try my luck. :)
My name is khizar dhedhi, I am studying plus I have a thing for food so currently I am doing diploma in culinary arts.
Don't have much of hobbies, but I like listening to songs all kind of actually, but since I belong to Pakistan I prefer local songs. Coke studio is lave. Favourite artist I would say Sajjad Ali and Ali Azmat, I am a 90's so they had the thing in 90's.
And in acting I would say, actually all of the actors in the Industry, every one has a particular art of acting which is something that intrest me in acting a little to much. Personally I want to work with every one in the field its kind of a dream actually:)
Aim is to become a actor if not then the want to become a chef and open up a resturant after complitation of my studies.
There is much more to share from my side but that I am keeping it in for a purpose😂